40 Life Truths. From My Heart http://findingjoy.net

40 Life Truths. From my heart.(Courtesy of http://findingjoy.net/40-life-truths-i-learned-being-40/#.Vs3HClIa29o)

1. Happiness is a choice. Don’t waste time not finding it.
2. Joy is also a choice. It is, however, not the same as happiness.
3. Tell those you love you love them every single day.
4. Do not go to bed angry.
5. Fight for your heart.
6. Friends love you for you.
7. True friends are there to extend a hand and pick you up when you fall.
8. Your personal agenda should never cloud your ability to love another.
9. Deal with the past, let yourself feel, learn from it and then let it go.
10. Always be friends with the baristas. They have great power over your day.
11. Hold hands with your kids as much as you can.
12. Don’t trade sleep. Invest in a good pillow too.
13. Speak your dreams out loud to someone who will hold you accountable.
14. Hold the door open for others.
15. Fear is just fear. Don’t let it define you.
16. Do one thing every day that scares you. (Eleanor Roosevelt)
17. Real life is a bit uncomfortable but exhilarating.
18. Be thankful for normal, boring, slow and just okay days.
19. Always set three alarms on days that you fly. Or the kids have school. So, duh, most days.
20. A handwritten note is always worth the time.
21. Less stuff equals much freedom.
22. Don’t let fear of money keep you from letting go of things.
23. When one is real and shares their heart it gives space for others to be real.
24. Comparison will rob you from joy, happiness and motivation.
25. Aging happens. Wrinkles show up. Real beauty is internal.
26. Surround yourself with people who love you.
27. No is a powerful word. Use it carefully. And don’t be afraid of saying yes.
28. Forgiveness is even more powerful.
29. There is no such thing as perfection. Don’t chase it. Just be you.
30. Turn your phone off when you are at the table or out with friends.
31. Not every moment needs to have a picture with it.
32. Your integrity, your word, your character matters. Don’t trade that ever.
33. Show up for those you love. At the door, in their lives – don’t let social likes remove humanity.
34. Let yourself laugh. Oh my, this, let yourself laugh.
35. Don’t let your feelings dictate your response.
36. However, don’t hide from your feelings. They are a gateway to your heart.
37. Not everyone will like you. That’s okay.
38. There is no guilt in taking care of you – and in cultivating your dreams.
39. It is okay to ask for help. And beautiful to give.
40. Labels don’t define. Numbers don’t either. And it’s never ever to late to really live.
So live.


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